Our village is a place where we can live, work, and grow.
I moved here to find peace, a sense of community, and a place where I can raise my family well and grow old independently. This is one of the best-endowed places I have ever known, largely because the community here has a longstanding commitment to conserving its history and natural environment and investing in education. Our seniors are connected, valued, and involved, sharing their wisdom through mentorship and volunteerism.
Living here has enabled me to have a lower impact on the environment. Main Street and the services on Route 9D can be reached by foot from any point in the village. In these shopping districts, neighbors greet each other while supporting local, family-run businesses.
My partner and I opened our shop on Main Street with the desire to serve our community and add to the rich tapestry of offerings.
Metro-North gives quick access to the excitement of the city, but, I must admit, I don’t miss it! Cold Spring and the surrounding areas provide world-class art and history museums, public and private parks, gardens, theater, and hard-working, independent businesses.

And history! The structures, people, and organizations around here are rooted in history.
I love the traditions and stories that the long-settled families share. How the ball fields were created by parents… How the Boat Club was organized by and for residents… How neighbors have pitched in to provide for the common good…
This is community at its best.
I hope that as a trustee I can help community members continue to shape, build on, and protect the village’s riches.
Growing community is what Cold Spring is all about.
I’m committed to planting the seeds and watching Cold Spring blossom, with you.